Does a Male Breast Reduction Exist?

If you’re a man who suffers from excessive breast tissue – aka “man boobs” – it may feel like the only way you can get rid of them is through vigorous diet and exercise. 

As it turns out, male breast tissue often doesn’t respond to gym time and clean eating, precisely because it’s breast tissue (not fat). Which leads us to our next question:

Does a male breast reduction exist?

As it turns out, there is a male breast reduction treatment out there – and it’s called gynecomastia surgery.


*Individual results may vary

Gynecomastia Surgery: Male Breast Reduction

Gynecomastia surgery aims to remove glandular breast tissue in men. The ultimate goal of gynecomastia surgery is to help men achieve a flatter, more masculine chest – and get rid of those man boobs for good!

Here’s how gynecomastia surgery works: Board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Vitolo makes a one-half inch incision near each breast. Using specialized lipo-surgical instruments and the external ultrasonic-assisted liposculpture (EUAL) procedure, he is able to remove both the glandular tissue and associated fat. This treatment results in minimized bruising and swelling in comparison to more invasive surgical techniques.

Once the glandular tissue and fat are removed, Dr. Vitolo works to recontour the chest by blending all of the remaining tissue together. Some excess skin may be left over after the surgery, but it typically contracts and contours to the new chest shape. In some cases where patients have excessive breast tissue, he may also remove some excess skin if there’s a risk for sagging.

Gynecomastia Consultations Available


Am I a Good Candidate for Gynecomastia Surgery?

You’re a good candidate for gynecomastia surgery if you’re a man who is frustrated by the appearance of breast-like shapes on your chest. Ideal candidates should be 18 or older, as male breast tissue can often appear and disappear during the teenage years.

Professional and very experienced. Highly recommend Dr Vitolo. Will be going back!

JRHappy Patient


Take the Next Step

Want to learn more about male breast reduction, including if you’re a good candidate for this procedure?

Schedule a consultation with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Robert Vitolo at his plastic surgery practice by filling out the consultation form on this page or by calling 718-619-8869 to get more information or to make an appointment at one of his 3 offices. 

During this difficult time of the Coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic, we have taken precautions to protect our patients and staff from danger.  Dr Vitolo is offering complimentary Virtual Consultations on your computer, smartphone, or tablet for all procedures. To request, a consultation with Dr. Vitolo calls 718-619-8869.

Dr. Vitolo serves the greater New York Metropolitan area including Manhattan, Staten  Island, Brooklyn, and New Jersey.

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