How Long Does a Mommy Makeover Take?

Mommy Makeovers by Dr. Vitolo is the ideal way to remove and correct the changes to your body that were caused by pregnancy. This may include altering the appearance of the breasts or tightening up the tummy, removing excess fat and skin. 

*Individual results may vary

What Treatments are Typically Combined to Make a Mommy Makeover?

Mommy makeovers can include a wide range of different treatments depending on the needs and requirements of the individual. Examples could include breast asymmetry surgery, breast enlargement, and breast augmentation. These procedures will help restore the breasts to their appearance before pregnancy. A makeover may also include liposuction and a tummy tuck. 

About Dr. Vitolo’s Scar Less Approach

Patients worried about scarring from treatment options like this have nothing to fear. Dr. Vitolo specializes in a scar-less approach for most of his procedures. The appearance of the breasts can be improved by placing an implant underneath the breast tissue through a small incision in the navel. The recontouring of the abdomen may be able to be accomplished with ultrasonic liposculpture alone, with minimal scars, or by skin excision and /or muscle tightening which would require the typical incisions of an abdominoplasty, depending on the individual needs of the patient.

How Long Will a Mommy MakeoverTake?

The total time for a mommy makeover will depend on your individual treatment plan. Do be aware that it can involve a range of different procedures from liposuction to breast enlargement. 

Typically, your procedure will last approximately two to three hours. Treatment can also be completed at the same appointment over one day. The recovery time may also differ depending on what treatment you need or choose. 

Mommy Makeover Consultations Available


Benefits of a Mommy Makeover

One of the key benefits of a mommy makeover is a single recovery timeline. Patients are able to go home the same day of the surgery and can usually return to work in a few days to a week or more depending on the procedures that are performed. Any downtime will depend on the specific treatments that a patient chooses to opt for as part of their makeover. 

Another benefit is that the results are often virtually instant. For instance, if you arrange a scar-less breast enlargement treatment or liposuction, then you will notice the first results after just two days. 

Furthermore, the results of a mommy makeover are also drastic. Many patients are amazed by the new toned look of their body which can make them feel and appear years longer, providing them with the youthful look they had before they became a mom. 

Am I a Candidate for a Mommy Makeover?

If your body has changed due to one or more pregnancies, you are a good candidate for a mommy makeover. Particularly, if you are struggling to get your body back in shape with exercise and diet. Changes may include fat that is difficult to remove, excess skin, tummy pooch, and loss of volume in your breasts. Issues like this could be impacting your confidence and making it more difficult to see yourself in a positive light. 

Take the Next Step

Want to learn more about mommy makeovers?

Schedule a consultation with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Robert Vitolo at his plastic surgery practice by filling out the consultation form on this page or by calling 718-619-8869 to get more information or to make an appointment at one of his 3 offices. 

During this difficult time of the Coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic, we have taken precautions to protect our patients and staff from danger. Dr. Vitolo is offering complimentary Virtual Consultations on your computer, smartphone, or tablet for all procedures. To request a consultation with Dr. Vitolo call 718-619-8869.

Dr. Vitolo serves the greater New York Metropolitan area including Manhattan, Staten Island, Brooklyn, and New Jersey.

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